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  2. Ufa resident, suspected of participating in protests, dead after being detained by riot police

Ufa resident, suspected of participating in protests, dead after being detained by riot police

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Rifat Dautov, a resident of Ufa, was detained by the riot police after a demonstration in support of the activist Fail Alsynov, recently sentenced to a prison term. The next day, Dautov’s relatives were informed of the man’s death, allegedly due to a heart failure caused by alcohol intoxication. Fail Alsynov’s lawyer, Ilnur Suyundukov, confirmed Rifat Dautov’s death on January 26. 

Rifat Dautov was detained by the riot police in the evening of January 25 under suspicion of participating in protests. According to Dautov’s sister, the man did not, in fact, participate in the demonstration. He was waiting for his girlfriend on a nearby square, and the couple left as soon as they reunited. However, after the riot, Dautov was summoned to the police station, where he was handed a document of unknown nature – 'something that is usually given to brawlers.'

The day after Dautov’s detention, his relatives were informed of the man’s death from heart failure, allegedly resulting from alcohol intoxication. Rifat’s family insists that the deceased did not consume alcohol. 

One of Dautov’s relatives added that she was not allowed to see the body in the morgue without being accompanied by an investigator.

On January 26, news emerged of another Bashkortostan resident, Dim Davletkildinov, being hospitalized after his arrest. Local activists claim that law enforcers beat the man and forced him to provide evidence. Dim Davletkildinov was diagnosed with anemia and a fracture in a vertebral process.

Information on one wounded and one deceased after the protests appeared at the same time as news on the concert organized by the Republic head, Radiy Khabirov, in his own support. Local media reported that state employees were bussed to the venue. During his speech, Khabirov 'extended a hand of friendship' to those who do not approve of his politics.

At this point, there is information on 122 administrative cases opened after mass riots in Baymak and Ufa in support of the activist Fail Alsynov, convicted for speaking against gold miners. 22 Bashkortostan residents are facing criminal charges.


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