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  2. Syktyvkar drivers "replied" with a rally to Barack Obama's speech on the torn to shreds economy of Russia

Syktyvkar drivers "replied" with a rally to Barack Obama's speech on the torn to shreds economy of Russia

However, they didn’t write abusive slogans in the capital of Komi

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On Sunday, several dozens of Syktyvkar car owners gathered at the shopping center "June". A motor rally with a great title "Russia can’t be put on the knees" started here. The participants protested the statement of US President Barack Obama that "Russia's economy was torn to shreds by America". On the eve the same rally was held in Vorkuta.

The motor rally was attended by drivers of foreign and home-produced cars. But most of all the attention of visitors of "June" was attracted by an armored car, which was located at the head of the column.

However, a single column failed. Someone went to the memorial "Eternal Flame" on Oktyabrsky prospect, and then Kommunisticheskaya street. Some turned to Oplesnina street towards the railway station and moved to the memorial complex by the main street of the capital of Komi.

Photo: Elena Tsaranova заполярка-онлайн.рф

Yesterday residents of Vorkuta came to a similar rally with expressive and offensive slogans addressed to the American president, "Obama is chmo", "Will buy Obama’s skin. Expensive!". The initiator of the polar rally was a member of the Public Chamber of Komi Semyon Mostunenko, and it was supported by "United Russia", party members of "Patriots of Russia" and the motorists club.

Photo: Yaroslava Parkhachyova

One of the organizers of the rally in the capital of the region, leader of the "Volunteers of Komi" Dmitri Plotnikov, explained: Syktyvkar organizers decided not to politicize the action and get around the city only with the Russian flag.

“We just came together, people came, most importantly, that we are all here. And not only Syktyvkar. Vorkuta, Inta, Sosnogorsk, Ukhta,” he listed. “Now we really need to join hands. When was it the last time? Syktyvkar and Vorkuta are friends, and before that the cars came to fight. And now we still do our best to put up. And even if we are under attack, let them say anything. We became more rallied on this even. I'm glad. Let the economic situation worsens for some years, but at this time we will become stronger, it's a good boost.”

“Do you think that is normal when vorkutintsy write and pass through the city with posters "Obama is chmo"?” correspondent of "7x7" asked.

“I can’t judge other people,” Dmitri Plotnikov said. “Yes, it's wrong, but if they wrote that "Putin is someone", then I would be angry at this. Because I am a patriot, I'm Russian. And the things they are talking about another leader — that's their opinion. He also says a lot of things.”

On the way to the final point of the rally one of its members, the head of fight sports club "Syktyvkarets" Yaroslav Bradauskas, said that his organization was pleased to join the action. According to him, the war is not far off, and now it’s time to prepare for it. These ideas activist promotes among the pupils of his club.

“We must be ready to die, but not just "paws up"... Soon we will organize local history trips to the guys knew what they will fight for,” Yaroslav Bradauskas said. “Let them acquire different orienteering skills, survival in the forest, tactical actions, know how to behave during a fight. I am an orthodox, and our spiritual father says: "Now is the time. We must understand that the order is for us". He also says that if the war starts, everyone will move to the north. And what should we be able to? To understand where to place them all here, how to feed. But also, when the disorder begins, we must explain to them that we've got our own order, and if you don’t understand our orders, look on where to be saved. Here we dictate the rules and should be an example.”

At the memorial "Eternal Flame" car owners were met by some young people who stretched the Russian flag and chanted "Russia can’t be put on the knees". After this they made a commemorative picture.

Meanwhile, such demotivator has already appeared in the network that was also posted by Mayor of Inta Pavel Smirnov on his page.

And in one of the Sosnogorsk groups on VKontakte there is a head count on whether to carry out such a rally in Sosnogorsk and Ukhta. At the time of publication 66% community members voted "for".


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