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  2. Student expelled for Stalin criticism plans lawsuit against university

Student expelled for Stalin criticism plans lawsuit against university

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Alan Misikov from Vladikavkaz, who was expelled for criticizing Stalin, shared with '7x7' on July 11 his intention to file a lawsuit against the university.

Alan Misikov, who was expelled from the Russian State Social University, informed '7x7' that he has hired a lawyer and is preparing to sue the institution while advocating for the replacement of military service with an alternative due to a health condition diagnosed during a recent medical examination.

In May 2024, Misikov was expelled under the pretext of skipping classes and failing to report to the military enlistment office. Subsequently, he was evicted from the university dormitory and nearly conscripted into the army following an altercation with a university teacher who questioned Stalinist repressions. Misikov argued that Stalin had "subjected 42 million people to repression," prompting the teacher to file a complaint with the dean’s office.

Alan Misikov sought protection from Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Chechnya, stating that he was born in North Ossetia and condemning population displacement as "the greatest tragedy of the 20th century." However, Kadyrov did not respond to Misikov’s plea.

In court, Misikov aims to prove that despite irregular attendance, he excelled academically and that his expulsion violates his constitutional rights to freedom of thought and expression.


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