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  1. Horizontal Russia
  2. Participants of an antiwar picket are detained in Syktyvkar

Participants of an antiwar picket are detained in Syktyvkar

Picket against accession of Crimea to Russia took place on the Stefanovskaya square of the capital of Komi near the building of the head and government of the region

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A human rights defender Semyon Tereshonkov, a chairman of the "Pokayanie"community fund, a historian, a board member of the International Memorial Society Mikhail Rogachev and a journalist Sergei Sorokin  took to the center of Syktyvkar with posters.

The picketing lasted about 10 minutes, whereupon a dismounted police patrol arrived and demanded to put an end to the event and to take away the posters.


Activists have fulfilled the requirements of law enforcement personnel. At the same time the police officer tried to ban the photographing of her, on the grounds that she didn’t give permission. Furthermore, she refused to show her service certificate on cameras.


Whereupon one more police squad arrived to the governor's administration building and brought the picketers to the Syktyvkar Regional Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for drawing up a protocol on administrative violation.


As Sergei Sorokin delivered by phone, the three are in the police station, their passports were taken away, but the police don’t formalize any documents yet.


Viktor Ivanov, «7x7»


Original: http://7x7-journal.ru/item/39242

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