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  2. The illumination of the Imagine Peace Tower at Viðey Island 9 October 2015

The illumination of the Imagine Peace Tower at Viðey Island 9 October 2015

Владимир Ермилов
Владимир Ермилов
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The illum­ination of the Imagine Peace Tower will be in a beautiful ceremony 9 October, John Lennon‘s birt­hday, at 8pm but John would have tur­ned 75 years old this day. The programme starts at 5:30pm and lasts until 9:30pm.

Ferry ride and City Bus

Yoko Ono invites everyone to sail free to Viðey Island for the ceremony of the illum­ination of the Imagine Peace Tower with the Viðey Island Ferry.

5:15pm – 7pm: The City Bus rides from Hlemmur bus term­inal to Skarfabakki pier every 20 minu­tes. The City Bus is free of charge from Hlemmur bus term­inal to Skarfabakki pier and back again.

5:30pm — 7:20pm: The ferry rides from Skarfabakki pier to Viðey Island.

9pm – completion of empty­ing the island: After the ceremony the ferry rides from Viðey Island to Skarfabakki pier until the island has been evacuated.

The City Bus will run to Hlemmur bus term­inal from Skrafabakki pier until the last ferry ride has arrived.


The programme starts at Viðeyjarnaust near the Imagine Peace Tower. The ceremony‘s host is Felix Bergsson.

5:30pm: Family Lab by Reykjavik Art Museum

6:00pm: A gui­ded tour about the history of Viðey

6:30pm: Music per­formance by Ólöf Arnalds

7:45pm: The Male choir of Reykjavik per­forms at the Imagine Peace Tower art piece

8:00pm: The illum­ination of the Imagine Peace Tower

8:30pm — 9:30pm: The music band Friends 4 ever per­forms at Viðeyjarnaust

Refreshments can be bought in sales tents outside of Viðeyjarnaust and Viðeyjarstofa. An art exhi­bition by Kyoko Ono, Yoko Ono´s daug­hter, will be opened at Viðeyjarstofa after the illumination.


The Imagine Peace Tower

The Imagine Peace Tower is an out­door work of art concei­ved by Yoko Ono, loca­ted at Viðey Island, honour­ing the memory of her late hus­band, John Lennon. Each year, on his birt­hday, the Imagine Peace Tower is re-lit in a ceremony and beams with a stream of lig­hts high into the sky until it is tur­ned off on the day he died, 8 December. The art piece is a sym­bol for John and Yoko’s fight for peace. The Imagine Peace Tower takes has the shape of a wis­hing well where the words “Imagine Peace” is written in 24 langua­ges all around the art piece, but the English words refer to the song “Imagine” by John Lennon. Yoko Ono invites all guest of the lig­ht­ing of the Imagine Peace Tower to write their wis­hes on a note and hang it on one of four wish trees, which will be loca­ted at Viðeyjarstofa and Viðeyjarnaust at Viðey Island and at Reykjavik Art Museum, Hafnarhús, and Visit Reykjavik main office.

More than one million wis­hes for peace have been deli­v­ered from all over the world concern­ing the Imagine Peace proj­ect and the Imagine Peace Tower.

For fur­t­her information contact Sigríður Dögg Guðmundsdóttir, Head of Marketing and PR at Visit Reykjavik. Tel.: +354–590-1516. Mobile: +354–694-4644. [email protected]




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