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  2. Yakutsk mayor suggests placing homeless people in labor camps

Yakutsk mayor suggests placing homeless people in labor camps

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Yevgeny Grigoryev, the Mayor of Yakutsk, stated during a press conference that has no sorry for the homeless. This was reported by the Echo-Ykt publication on June 26.

Yevgeny Grigoryev spoke about the homeless at a press conference during the traditional summer holiday Ysyakh Tuymaady. 

"Homelessness is a visible consequence of widespread alcoholism and high unemployment rates among individuals capable of working. Instead of contributing to society, homeless individuals engage in drunken behavior, corrupt others, and cause disturbances in public spaces. They should be held accountable. I have no sympathy for them," the mayor said.

However, some Yakutsk residents took to social media, stating that they had not witnessed homeless individuals corrupting. There was even a suggestion that officials who violate the law should be sent to labor camps instead.

This is not the first instance within a month where Mayor Yevgeny Grigoryev has faced criticism. Earlier in June, residents of Yakutsk were outraged by a banquet organized by the mayor's office, which cost 2 million rubles ($32,863). The mayor's office defended the event, stating that it was held to honor war veterans from Ukraine and local teachers. Additionally, Grigoryev's decision to dedicate the traditional summer holiday, Ysyakh, to the military was met with criticism from Yakutsk residents.


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