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  2. Chelyabinsk students to receive 1 million rubles for having a child

Chelyabinsk students to receive 1 million rubles for having a child

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Students from Chelyabinsk will be awarded 1 million rubles for having a child, as per the law adopted by the region’s Legislative Assembly on August 29. 

The Legislative Assembly of Chelyabinsk Oblast passed a law to provide a student capital payment for the birth of the first child. This initiative was proposed by Governor Alexey Teksler. Both parents must be full-time students, and the mother must be no older than 23 years.

Lawmakers have promised that the payout will be indexed annually. If a student gives birth to a second child before turning 23, the couple will be eligible for a one-time increase of 20% to the capital.

The money can be spent on improving living conditions, paying for the parents’ education, covering kindergarten fees, or accessing medical and sanatorium services. Oleg Gerber, the Chairman of the Chelyabinsk Oblast Parliament, believes that this measure will positively impact the demographic situation in Russia.

A similar law was adopted in Karelia in July. Local students who become mothers will receive payouts of 100,000 rubles. However, if the child is stillborn, the payment will be revoked.


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