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  2. On the tour in Ryazan people remembered the victims of the Red Terror

On the tour in Ryazan people remembered the victims of the Red Terror

The tour passed through the historic center of the city: from the building of the Provincial Revolutionary Tribunal on Sobornaya street to the Kazan Cathedral Monastery at Svobody Square, where the Bolsheviks created one of the first Russian concentration camp of forced labor during the Civil War

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On Sunday, October 26th, on the eve of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression there was a walking tour of "places of the red terror in Ryazan".

The walk was organized jointly with Preobrazhensky Orthodox Brotherhood, Ryazan historical, educational and human rights organization "Memorial" and the Laboratory for Research on Heritage of Russian new martyrs and confessors of the twentieth century with RGU n.a. Esenin.

The tour was conducted by Yuri Geras'kin, doctor of historical sciences, professor, head of the Laboratory for the Study of Heritage of Russian new martyrs and confessors of the twentieth century. Andrei Blinushov was a co-guide; he is a historian, chairman of the Ryazan historical and educational and human rights organization "Memorial", author-composer of the guidebook "Political repressions in Ryazan".

The tour passed through the historic center of the city: from the building of the Provincial Revolutionary Tribunal on Sobornaya street to the Kazan Cathedral Monastery at Svobody Square, where the Bolsheviks created one of the first Russian concentration camp of forced labor during the Civil War.

At the end of the tour at the memorial cross of the Vozrozhdenny monastery at the annual rally in memory of "Return of the names" Ryazanians started reading biographies of the victims of the Red Terror, concentration camp prisoners.

Reading the names of people of Ryazan executed and unjustly convicted in the years of mass state terror will continue on October 30 in the Memorial Day of Victims of Political Repression, in several points of the city: at the Memorial sign to repressed Ryazanians in the cemetery of the NKVD camp 178-454 (so-called "German" cemetery) on Magistralnaya street; the place of burial of executed political prisoners in 1937-1938 on Staroobryadchesky minor street, 4; at the burial place of the repressed on Lazarev cemetery in the center of Ryazan.


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