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  2. Activist handed round «noodles»* on a pro-government rally

Activist handed round «noodles»* on a pro-government rally

Member of the Kirov Youth Parliament Mira Khalikova opposed bringing Russian troops into Crimea

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Today, on the day of the referendum in Crimea on the status of this Ukrainian Autonomous Republic, a rally was held in Kirov. State employees from different areas of the region gathered on the Teatralnaya Square to express their joy over the probable affiliation of Crimea with Russia.


However, not everyone participated in their joy. Member of the Regional Youth Parliament Mira Khalikova held a rally against bringing Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine.


She approached the subject in a creative way — conducted a performance “Hang noodles on your ears”. While handing round noodles she explained participants of the meeting that the official propaganda lies, convincing of the need for military intervention in Crimea and the affiliation of this Ukrainian autonomous republic with Russia.


“In recent weeks, our people actively consumed everything suggested by the Kremlin propaganda. From an overabundance of "food" brain was spaced out even of those who didn’t use to assimilate it. And what about the crowd brought to our meeting? I also supported. Not in word but in deed. While they were broadcasting from the stage of a "war for peace" (rubbish!), I was giving people "ear noodles" from the pan. It is not surprising that people willingly took it: the brought mass did all that was offered. But there were those who hesitated and realized the absurdity of their position. But they also took, even when I said: "Ear noodles! Poorly absorbed by a healthy body! It is necessary to wash down with vodka and flavor with shit from TV!” Mira Khalikova shared her opinion with «7x7».


Sergei Zhilin, «7x7»


*To hang noodles on one's ears = to tell lies / talk nonsense (Russian idiom)


Original: http://7x7-journal.ru/item/39255


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