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  2. Government of Usinsk will spend compensation for a spill from oilers in its discretion

Government of Usinsk will spend compensation for a spill from oilers in its discretion

Administration's response to the request of Save the Pechora Committee to spend the funds for compensation of damage from the Kolva river oil spill in April is more like a runaround

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Let us recall that the Save the Pechora Committee sent a proposal to the Usinsk authorities to channel 15 million rubles, received by the city budget from Rusvietpetro LLC ad sectam of the Komi Rosprirodnadzor as compensation of damage from the emergency oil spill in spring-summer of 2013, for water resource decision of the most affected Kolva village.

Photo: Ivan Ivanov


According to the authors of the letter, in concordance with the municipal program, "building of the local plumbing in Kolva 1500 r/m" and "reconstruction of local plumbing in Kolva 2530 r/m" are planned. In this case the program doesn’t quote specific time limits, and the amount provided for water supply in Kolva is only 2 million rubles, which is not enough to solve the problem.


"Taking into account that residents of Usinsk were not those who suffered from the pollution of river banks, coastal vegetation, pastures, but villagers, especially the inhabitants of Kolva, Ust-Usa, Novikbozha; we consider it necessary to channel funds to the budget of the urban district as recompense of damage from oil companies on a full scale to solve the problems of the villagers," was said in the letter.


As follows from the response letter of the Usinsk administration, authorities are grateful to the social activists for concern about the fate of the urban district and reminded that it is a single subnational entity, and the tasks of stabilizing the socio-economic situation are relevant to all areas without exception.


"As for paid funds from Rusvietpetro LLC to compensate the damage, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation these funds are accounted in total amount of finance, and if they have no fixed purpose, they are spent for the execution of expenditure commitments of the local budget as a whole".


According to a member of the Save the Pechora Committee Valentina Semyashkina, social activists intentionally referred to the specific program and provided means, as it’s not enough to solve the problem of water supply, and the administration's response is more like a runaround.


Viktor Ivanov, «7x7»


Original: http://7x7-journal.ru/item/38823

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