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European integrated military enlistment office / or how I qualified for alternative civilian service

Павел Андреев
Павел Андреев
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The 6th of December, 2013 will go down in history of the Syktyvkar military registration and enlistment office and Syktyvdinsky district. This day, the call-up commission made a decision to grant my application to substitute the compulsory military service for the alternative civilian service in less than two minutes.


Of course, I'm not the first to do the alternative civilian service in the Republic of Komi; in 2012, there were as many as 7 people (http://www.komitrud.ru/home/info/ags/newsags.aspx), but my case is distinguished by several things:


1. I am an agnostic; I am not a salesman of any religion whose doctrinal beliefs are conflict to weapons-bearing. It’s known that Jehovah's witnesses in particular are the overwhelming majority of conscientious objectors.



2. The easiness with which the call-up commission agreed to grant my decision. The myth that military enlistment office will strongly seek to deny an application for the alternative civilian service is destroyed. The time limit for my application was restored without blinking (I’ve sent it in October, not by stupid rules — 6 months before). The commission didn’t senselessly try to "measure my conviction", according to which I don’t want to serve in the conscription army, admitting my following reasons to be sufficient not to go to the conscription army:


— military service as well as any work should be professional;

— a frightening number of violations of the rights of  the army draftees;

— lack of positive reforms and total corruption in the army;

— my participation in various pacifist actions and initiatives such as "Food not bombs", "Cancel the cancellation", etc.;

— solidarity with A. D. Sakharov in the idea that total disarmament will lead to peaceful coexistence;

— love of the works of Leo Tolstoy, who supported conscientious objectors in 1909 at the World Congress in Stockholm.


In general, these are the ideas and beliefs, according to which hundreds of thousands of my coevals are forced to go to all sorts of tricks, forgery, spend a lot of money on lawyers and medical examination every year, not to lose a year of life, sticking at the military barrack.


And the fact that today's army is a completely pointless organization confirm almost all of my friends who were there. For example, a friend who served in the air assault forces said with a laugh that last year he assembled parachute for 7 times and didn’t jump; and no one from his military unit didn’t make any parachute jump for a whole year.


Senseless “circus” which consumes trillions of rubles every year.


What will happen to me now? I am going to spend a whole year (until the next call) living an ordinary life: work, pay taxes (to support this “circus”), and the Federal Labor and Employment Service will prepare a list of jobs to choose from.


I will certainly describe the events of the next year. As yet I am very pleased that now I’m protected against the "casus Safronova" (http://www.novayagazeta.ru/news/52598.html), when they can take you out the street and force to submit to the assembly point. I suggest every recruit reading these lines to think about this option.


Thanks to the Syktyvkar military registration and enlistment office, which according to Friday's liberal decision is far more European integrated than it thought to be.


Original: http://7x7-journal.ru/post/34992?r=komi

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