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  2. Novosibirsk City Hall publishes map of bomb shelters and gas mask distribution centers

Novosibirsk City Hall publishes map of bomb shelters and gas mask distribution centers

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A digital map featuring 71 bomb shelters, 193 evacuation centers, and 74 gas mask distribution points was published on the Novosibirsk administration's website on September 11.

Authorities described the map's release as a "response to citizens' needs" and a "measure to create a safer urban environment."

Novosibirsk is over 3,500 kilometers from the war zone in Ukraine. City Council Deputy Svetlana Kaverzina noted that this information had not been released earlier because it was considered classified.

In June, authorities in Pskov Oblast declined to reveal the locations of bomb shelters. Governor Mikhail Vedernikov called the information classified and told Artur Gaiduk, a deputy from Yabloko, that he "wouldn't advise a party swarming with foreign agents to ask such questions."


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