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  2. US citizen detained in Yekaterinburg sentenced to 12 years for donating to Ukraine

US citizen detained in Yekaterinburg sentenced to 12 years for donating to Ukraine

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A Yekaterinburg resident with US citizenship has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for donating to Ukraine. She was found guilty of treason, as reported by "Vecherniye Vedomosti" on August 15.

Ksenia Karelina, born in Yekaterinburg, was sentenced to 12 years for her donation to Ukraine. According to "Vecherniye Vedomosti", the verdict in the treason case was announced on August 15.

Karelina was detained in January when she traveled from Los Angeles to Yekaterinburg to visit her family.

Initially, Ksenia was charged with minor hooliganism, but she was later arrested and accused of treason. "Department One" has reported that on February 24, 2022, Karelina transferred slightly more than $50 to a Ukrainian foundation from her US bank account.

According to journalist Dmitry Kolezev, Federal Security Service (FSB) agents inspected Karelina’s phone upon her arrival at Koltsovo Airport and likely discovered an SMS regarding the bank transaction.


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