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  2. Buryatia governor warns of "American provocations" at festival in Mongolia

Buryatia governor warns of "American provocations" at festival in Mongolia

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Alexey Tsydenov, the head of Buryatia, has warned the republic’s delegation attending a festival in Mongolia about potential "American provocations." This warning was reported on July 26 by RIA Novosti, which confirmed its authenticity with the governor’s press office.

From July 26 to 28, the Bulgan Province in Mongolia will host the Altargana festival, featuring participants from various Russian regions. Governor Alexey Tsydenov has cautioned the delegation from Buryatia, stating that the U.S. Embassy in Mongolia poses a threat. He advised participants from Zabaykalsky Krai and Irkutsk Oblast to stay vigilant.

"Even here in Russia, we have individuals who succumb to American influence and third-party bribery, organizing provocations and even terrorist attacks. In Mongolia, both ordinary citizens and government officials can be exposed to American propaganda against Russia, with some being further incentivized by money," said Tsydenov.

The governor believes that Russians will be deliberately provoked into conflicts about the war in Ukraine and filmed to cast them in a negative light. To avoid the temptation to react strongly to provocations, Tsydenov suggested refraining from alcohol consumption during the festival.


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