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  2. Belgorod funeral company uses Memorial logo in their advertisement

Belgorod funeral company uses Memorial logo in their advertisement

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A funeral company from Belgorod used the logo of the Memorial society in their advertisement, which was shared by the "Bletgorod" Telegram channel on July 24.

The advertisement for the "Many Monuments" company, which produces granite tombstones, was published on Telegram. The letter "M" in their logo exactly replicates the symbol of the historical and human rights organization Memorial.

The funeral company's advertisement with the logo

The "Many Monuments" company is officially owned by Bogdan Palashenkov, an individual entrepreneur registered since 2021. In addition to advertisements on social media, they have been using the Memorial logo on their website at least since December 2022, according to the Webarchive service.

In 2016, the Russian Ministry of Justice declared the International Memorial a foreign agent. In 2021, the Supreme Court ordered the liquidation of the Russian legal entities of the International Memorial and the Memorial Human Rights Defense Center. The Prosecutor General's Office claimed that the society violated the law on foreign agents, while human rights defenders recognized the case as politically motivated.


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