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  2. Oryol Oblast governor criticizes level of aid to participants in war in Ukraine

Oryol Oblast governor criticizes level of aid to participants in war in Ukraine

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Andrey Klychkov, the governor of Oryol Oblast, raised concerns about the aid provided to participants in the war in Ukraine. His speech was cited by the 'Oryol Times' media outlet on July 4.

During a meeting with the heads of municipal districts on July 4, Andrey Klychkov criticized the organized aid to military personnel in the region. According to the 'Oryol Times,' Klychkov compared the current state of affairs to the situation during the wars in Chechnya and Afghanistan, when returning soldiers received nothing but a combatant’s ID. 

"A person returns wounded, and the benefits end. We deprive them of access to kindergartens and vouchers. What are they guilty of? This is a strange situation. Benefits for participants in the special military operation should continue," said Klychkov.

During the first year of the war, Klychkov was reluctant to assist mobilized soldiers. In the autumn of 2022, when conscripts complained to the governor about inadequate equipment, he advised them to buy new items themselves. Klychkov asserted that providing financial aid to mobilized soldiers is "the easiest way" and that authorities had already supplied uniforms and MREs to the military personnel. Subsequently, Klychkov allocated funds to provide the conscripts' relatives with 50,000 ruble payouts.


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