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  2. Head of Russia Behind Bars shares her explanation of Navalny’s death during '7x7' broadcast

Head of Russia Behind Bars shares her explanation of Navalny’s death during '7x7' broadcast

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Politician Alexey Navalny might have been killed with a stun gun in the penal colony in Kharp, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. This version was proposed by Olga Romanova, the head of the Russia Behind Bars NGO, during a '7x7' broadcast.

According to Olga Romanova, she follows the events in Kharp, a settlement where everyone knows each other, by communicating with convicts, their relatives, and the penal colony employees, especially former ones.

"It looks like the actions of an experienced person, who simply hit him [Navalny] with a stun gun too hard — perhaps deliberately, perhaps not. After all, he was worn out, malnourished, and not in the best health. I think it was nothing more than a stun gun," elaborated Romanova, suggesting we wait for the Anti-Corruption Foundation* to investigate the murder.

Olga Romanova’s sources claim there was a 'commotion' in the colony on February 15, the day before the local division of the Federal Penitentiary Service announced Navalny’s death. On that day, the politician appeared in court via video call from a separate room.

*The text mentions Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation



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