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  1. Horizontal Russia
  2. 'Tyumen case' defendants identified operative who tortured them

'Tyumen case' defendants identified operative who tortured them

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Two defendants in the 'Tyumen case' identified the operative who allegedly beat and tortured them, as reported by the Telegram channel 'Tyumenskoye Delo' ('Tyumen Case') on January 22.

During their review of the case materials, Yuri Neznamov and Nikita Oleinik, defendants in the 'Tyumen case,' encountered the operative who is said to have tortured them. According to Neznamov and Oleinik, Andrei Maksimov used electricity and water against them during their arrest, and was also involved in beatings and instances of sexualized violence. The third defendant in the case, Danil Chertykov, witnessed Maksimov's presence at the Center for Combating Extremism ('E Center') on the night when the two other men were reportedly tortured.

Maksimov contested these allegations, stating that in his ten years of work, he and his colleagues 'have never tortured anyone,' and that the defendants are 'slandering the agency.' Lawyers representing those involved in the case are seeking to initiate legal proceedings against Maksimov.

Reports of torture have been made by all six defendants in the case, who were jailed in the summer of 2022 under charges of creating a terrorist organization, participating in its activities, and manufacturing explosives.

In September 2022, Kirill Brik pleaded guilty in light of torture and rape threats. Another defendant in the case, Deniz Aidyn, alleged that operatives from the 'E Center' beat him, undressed him, and threatened him with sexualized violence as well.


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