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  2. Omsk authorities establish committee to combat men’s reluctance to join the army

Omsk authorities establish committee to combat men’s reluctance to join the army

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Local authorities in Omsk Oblast announced plans to create a committee comprising officials, priests, and law enforcement personnel to address the issue of men's reluctance to join the army. The initiative, reported by the media outlet 'Novyi Omsk' on January 16, aims to promote patriotism among teenagers and counteract the negative attitudes towards military and state service.

Governor Vitaliy Khotsenko will lead the Committee on Preservation and Strengthening of Spiritual and Moral Values. The organization's mandate includes instilling patriotic ideals and reinforcing moral principles among the residents of Omsk Oblast. Additionally, the Committee members will actively combat ideas that contribute to a negative perception of state institutions, the 'concept of serving one's homeland,' and military and state service.

The specific work regulations of the Committee are yet to be defined. Currently, the organization, which consists of officials, priests, and law enforcement personnel, is undergoing an anti-corruption examination.

In January, the leaders of Voronezh and Oryol Oblast, along with the Republic of Buryatia, established and headed divisions to counteract separatism. Their objective is to "prevent the threat of emerging and spreading separatism, nationalism, mass riots, and extremism-focused crimes." Similar to the Committee in Omsk Oblast, these divisions do not yet have a clear work agenda.


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