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  2. Over 400 workers of Irkutsk plant laid off amid financial difficulties following sanctions

Over 400 workers of Irkutsk plant laid off amid financial difficulties following sanctions

Factory employees staged a protest
Photo from the group 'Профсоюзная организация БЛП' ('Trade Union Organization BLP')
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Four hundred twenty-five workers at an Irkutsk timber processing plant have been laid off due to the financial challenges of the enterprise, which faces difficulties in selling its products amid sanctions. This information was reported by the 'People of Baikal' media outlet, citing the plant's trade union.

At the Bratsk timber processing plant, 425 employees were dismissed. Although people were given the option to transfer to other branches, many "felt offended and chose to resign." The plant, grappling with sales challenges due to sanctions, plans to cut an additional 112 positions in 2024 as a cost-saving measure.

In late December, factory employees staged a protest near the management's office, urging a reconsideration of the layoff decision. The timber processing factory employs a total of 2,600 individuals.

In Karelia, logging has decreased to 40% of its usual production capacity. However, Governor Artur Parfenchikov considers sanctions a 'blessing,' citing their role in fostering industrial development in the region.


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