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  2. Chuvash schools are compiling lists of parents disloyal to Putin

Chuvash schools are compiling lists of parents disloyal to Putin

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Teachers in the Chuvash Republic have been directed to draft lists of parents disloyal to Putin, as reported by the Telegram channel ‘Serditaya Chuvashia’ (‘Angry Chuvashia’) on December 1.

The Cheboksary Department of Education instructed the principals of local schools to create rosters of parents not loyal to Putin. According to the ‘Serditaya Chuvashia’ channel, this information must be provided by the class leaders. Allegedly, public sector employers will use these lists to encourage supporters of the current president to participate in the elections. However, the fate of those found disloyal remains unclear.

As one teacher revealed to the ‘Govorit NeMoskva’ (‘Beyond Moscow’) Telegram channel, many parents “are already fed up with this crap.” Yet, some others responded positively to the request.

In Udmurtia, employees of the IEMP Kupol were asked to undergo a test about the plant's operations. The test included questions about the upcoming elections and support for Vladimir Putin.

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