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  2. Activist from Ivanovo prosecuted for burying Constitution

Activist from Ivanovo prosecuted for burying Constitution

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Ivanovo activist Olga Nazarenko is being investigated for repeatedly violating rally regulations. On August 11, she held a “funeral” of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The project "OVD-Info" reported this development on August 22.

Olga Nazarenko was taken to a police station department directly from the courtroom where her criminal case on discrediting the army and violation of the law on rallies had been considered. At the station, police officers compiled another report against her for repeated violation of rally regulations. 

On August 11, the woman and a group of local people buried the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which was "slowly and painfully dying." They paid tribute to the article on freedom of speech, this way expressing solidarity with political prisoners persecuted by the state for trying to "observe the Constitution and realize their rights."

In October 2022, Olga Nazarenko was criminally charged for repeated participation in anti-war rallies, the first such case in Russia. She came out with posters "No to [Roskomnadzor]" and "I am a Russian against [Roskomnadzor]." She dedicated another action to people who are persecuted by the state for their anti-war position.

Because of her criminal case, Nazarenko has been suspended from teaching at the Ivanovo Medical Academy. The activist is raising a little son and a second-year university student daughter. Currently, the woman is under a travel ban.


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