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  2. Court in Moscow orders to seize the liquidated International Memorial’s accounts and property

Court in Moscow orders to seize the liquidated International Memorial’s accounts and property

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The Tverskoy District Court of Moscow ordered the seizure of the International Memorial’s accounts and property. The accounts were seized from the organization’s executive director Elena Zhemkova and the Memorial Academical and Historical and Educational Center’s executive director Boris Belenkin. The day before, the historical and human rights society's representatives received a summons to the court to "invalidate the transactions." Memorial's representatives reported this to 7x7.

Memorial reported that there were attempts to take away their office on the Karetny Ryad in Moscow. According to the company's representatives, the building was purchased in 2005. When Memorial was liquidated in November, the premises were transferred to the Memorial Academical and Historical and Educational Center.

On September 12, the management of both organizations — Elena Zhemkova and Boris Belenkin — were summoned to court in the case of recognizing the transfer of property as invalid. On September 14, Zhemkova and Belenkin’s personal accounts were seized. This decision was made by the Tverskoy District Court at the request of the prosecutor's office.

“There is not a single legal basis for invalidating the transaction: we assess the attempt to seize the Memorial’s premises in favor of the state as raider and political,” representatives of the historical and human rights society said.

International Memorial* is a network of historical and educational organizations including regional branches in Russia, the Memorial Human Rights Center, offices in Germany, Italy, France, the Czech Republic, and Ukraine. The structure of International Memorial* in Moscow includes an archive, a museum, a library, and a public space. The organization was repeatedly fined for the lack of the foreign agent label.

The Prosecutor General's Office filed a lawsuit with the Supreme Court of Russia demanding International Memorial’s* liquidation on November 11, 2021. According to the agency, the organization has repeatedly violated the law on foreign agents, releasing content without labeling. The Supreme Court sustained the Prosecutor General's Office’s claim on December 28. The next day, the Moscow City Court annihilated the Memorial Human Rights Center on a similar lawsuit filed by the Moscow City Prosecutor's Office. The organizations appealed against the liquidation, but the court did not side with them.


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