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  2. Police searched the Voronezh headquarters of Navalny

Police searched the Voronezh headquarters of Navalny

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The special forces burst into the Navalny's pre-election headquarters in Voronezh – they were looking for drugs; all the laptops were seized.

'At 6:00 pm special forces and the center for combating extremism under the Ministry of Internal Affairs rushed into the Voronezh headquarters. At this time we had a meeting of volunteers. The first thing they required was to put all the phones on the table. A search was carried out with the dog, they checked bags, demanded to unblock phones under the threat of seizure, looked through the content. Then all the laptops, even the laptop of the volunteer, were seized,' activists published the story of the girl presented at the headquarters during the search.

According to the staff of the headquarters, one of the Voronezh detainees with drugs told police that he had taken prohibited substances at the headquarters of Navalny, so they came with a search. The police detained the coordinators Pavel Chaadayev and Konstantin Raspopov; they were taken to a medical examination and returned three hours later.

On August 17 law enforcement officers searched the office of the charitable organization 'Rassvet'. According to 'Vesti Voronezh', two volunteers of 'Rassvet' were previously held liable for possession of narcotic substances. The charitable organization specializes in promoting healthy lifestyle and the rehabilitation of people with a criminal past.

Daniil Kuznetsov, «7x7»


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