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  2. Deputy head of Yakutian village avoids penal colony after assault and murder threats against local woman

Deputy head of Yakutian village avoids penal colony after assault and murder threats against local woman

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The deputy head of a village in Yakutia has been sentenced to 1.5 years of restricted freedom for making death threats against his ex-girlfriend. The court also fined him for physical assault. This information was reported by the human rights project "You Are Not Alone, Yakutia Is With You" and highlighted by "7x7" on August 23.

On August 23, the court delivered the verdict to Yegor Mikhaylov, the deputy head of the village of Verkhnevilyuysk. He was found guilty of physical assault and making death threats, resulting in a sentence of 1.5 years of restricted freedom. Mikhaylov is prohibited from going out at night or leaving the district. He was also fined 15,000 rubles in accordance with Article 6.1.1 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation.

Maria, a resident of Yakutia, accused her former partner, Yegor Mikhaylov, of assaulting her and attempting to rape her in June 2024. She posted photos showing her bruises and swollen face. According to Maria, after she filed a complaint with the police, she began receiving threats from unknown individuals. She also claimed that Mikhaylov himself called and threatened to "kill and eat" her if he lost his job.

Human rights activists believe that public attention and support from Yakutia residents contributed to the court’s decision. Locals raised funds to hire an attorney for Maria, as no lawyer in Verkhnevilyuysk was willing to take on her case.


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