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  2. Buryatia residents demand investigation into conscript’s death

Buryatia residents demand investigation into conscript’s death

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Over 700 residents of Buryatia have demanded an investigation into the death of a conscript who was found hanged in a forest. Their petition was published on July 14.

Twenty-year-old soldier Kirill Poluyanov from Ulan-Ude died on June 26. His body was found hanged in a forest 10 kilometers away from his military unit. At the time of his death, he had served two months in the army and had reported hazing, extortion, and exhausting work conditions that left him with only 2-3 hours of sleep per day.

According to the conscript’s mother, Anastasia Poluyanova, the Investigative Committee has classified Kirill’s death as a suicide, but she does not believe this. She shared that Kirill had refused to give money to senior soldiers and had been "summoned for a talk" by soldiers from another company.

Kirill Poluyanov’s body was bruised, his lips were busted, and some of his teeth were broken. The young man’s death is being examined by the Military Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee.

Following Anastasia Poluyanova’s public appeal on social media, residents of Buryatia launched a petition demanding those responsible for Kirill’s death to be brought to justice. They have already gathered over 700 signatures.


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