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  1. Horizontal Russia
  2. Founder of shelter for homeless people faces second legal case for criticizing authorities

Founder of shelter for homeless people faces second legal case for criticizing authorities

Источник: Eduard Charov's VK page
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The Investigative Committee has initiated a criminal case for discrediting the army (Part 1 of Article 280.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) against Eduard Charov, a priest from the village of Savinovo, Sverdlovsk Oblast. This information was shared by Charov’s wife, Inna, on June 27.

Inna Charova told '7x7' that the criminal case was opened due to a repost which does not mention the Russian army or the war in Ukraine. The post, discussing the definition of patriotism, was published on September 3, 2023.

An expert identified "signs of persuading the audience about the negative nature of the goals pursued by the Russian Federation's government bodies in the exercise of their powers, i.e., their discreditation" in the publication.

In February, the priest became involved in a criminal case for justifying terrorism (Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) based on a comment he left under news about the arson of a military enlistment office. As a preventive measure, Charov was prohibited from using the internet and his phone. In May, he was included in the register of terrorists and extremists.

On his VK page, Eduard Charov openly criticized the war in Ukraine and the repression in Russia. After the mobilization began, he turned his shelter into a space for those unwilling to go to war.

Following this decision, the priest and his refuge faced pressure. Security forces demanded explanations for the death of a homeless man and hinted that Charov was trafficking the organs of the shelter’s residents.


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