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  2. KhMAO to establish a sperm bank for childless participants in the war in Ukraine

KhMAO to establish a sperm bank for childless participants in the war in Ukraine

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A sperm bank for childless participants in the war in Ukraine will be created in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. This was announced by the region’s human rights ombudsman, Natalia Strebkova, on March 21.

According to Natalia Strebkova, this initiative is 'extremely important for the military personnel to preserve their lineage.' The sperm bank will be complemented by a military DNA database. As per Strebkova, the project is already being developed 'at the federal level.'

In 2023, a professor from Buryatia suggested freezing the sperm of military personnel to minimize demographic losses. According to his plan, the biological material may be collected before the men’s departure to Ukraine and given to the relatives in case of their demise.


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