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  2. Grayvoron residents living without electricity for 4 days due to shelling during elections

Grayvoron residents living without electricity for 4 days due to shelling during elections

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Residents of Grayvoron have been living without electricity for nearly four days. The town is deserted, with many buildings destroyed due to shelling, as reported by locals to '7x7' on March 18.

Residents of Grayvoron in Belgorod Oblast shared with '7x7' that the entire Grayvoronsky District has been under regular shelling since March 12. Missiles struck the town center, leaving shops destroyed and closed. The town is under police patrol, with water supplies distributed only twice a day – in the morning and evening. Residents have been without electricity for almost four days and are unable to contact their relatives because the nearest cell tower was also hit. They are seeking information about their loved ones through the online group 'Podslushano Grayvoron.'

"I was told that 'Grayvoron is a total mess, half of the town has been smashed, Grayvoron is empty.' Hits occurred in the town center, market, cafes, and near schools hosting polling stations. Houses and cars were on fire. Most people fled as quickly as possible, while others are currently in hideaways," a woman from Grayvoron told '7x7.'

The day before and during the elections, local residents were evacuated by the authorities and territorial defense forces. Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov stated that about 600 individuals are currently in temporary accommodation centers. Many left on their own or took taxis.

Gladkov also mentioned that 13 locations in the Grayvoronsky District are currently without electricity. When the district head, Gennady Bondarev, posted about the elections, many commented urging the restoration of electricity supplies and delivery of humanitarian aid.

"This is the town center where I used to walk after school, or simply stroll, or take a minibus home... And now it looks like this... Grayvoron is already quite small <…> Now, it's just like a ghost town," another local woman told '7x7.'

Grayvoron residents have started posting videos about their town online, using avatars with broken hearts and hashtags #LiveGrayvoron to gain attention.

"If people start talking about us, then the state will have to notice us too! We have been under fire for almost two years, but what started on March 12 is pure hell, and all because of the elections. Residents are fleeing, houses are collapsing, and the government remains silent to conceal the problem. People are dying!" wrote a local woman.


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