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  1. Horizontal Russia
  2. Perm former deputy fined 50,000 rubles for criticizing Putin

Perm former deputy fined 50,000 rubles for criticizing Putin

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Former deputy from Perm, Sergey Medvedev, has been fined 50,000 rubles on charges of petty hooliganism for a post where he criticized Putin, as the court told '7x7' on March 7.

The Motovilikhinsky District Court of Perm sentenced Sergey Medvedev to an administrative fine of 50,000 rubles on charges of petty hooliganism. This information was shared with '7x7' by the court representatives.

Before the New Year, Sergey Medvedev wrote a post on VKontakte, where he wished for 'the death of the bastard who started a bloody massacre' and stated that 'the monster who is behind it is running for elections again.' Following this, Medvedev was summoned by the Federal Security Service (FSB), expelled from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and stripped of his deputy mandate. The politician eventually left Russia.

In February, Medvedev urged the Investigative Committee to initiate a case for document falsification and forgery against his former colleagues. He insists that the City Council unlawfully revoked his powers. Investigators, however, did not fulfill his request. Last Friday, the Ministry of Justice recognized Sergey Medvedev as a foreign agent.


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