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  2. ‘YA/MY Sergei Furgal’ movement recognized as extremist

‘YA/MY Sergei Furgal’ movement recognized as extremist

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The court has banned the 'YA/MY Sergei Furgal' ('I'm/We're Sergei Furgal') movement and labeled it as extremist. This was reported by 'RIA Novosti,' citing the Khabarovsk Krai Prosecutor’s Office, on February 22nd. 

According to the prosecutor’s office, 'the interregional movement 'YA/MY Sergei Furgal' conducts extremist activities under the guise of supporting and protecting the former governor of the region'. Its participants allegedly aim to create conditions favorable for altering Russia’s constitutional order and forcibly changing the power structures. 

'They used various political pressure methods, including unauthorized mass public events, to influence the decisions of governmental bodies,' reads the prosecutor’s office’s press release. 

On February 20th, Sergei Furgal told journalists that he was unaware of the existence of such a movement. 

In February 2023, former Khabarovsk Krai Governor Sergei Furgal was sentenced to 22 years in prison. He was accused of organizing contract killings and attempted murders in 2004-2005 (Articles 105 and 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). During the trial, Furgal claimed that the case was fabricated. The ex-governor added that he is only guilty of 'trying to change the system for the better' and 'being elected against the odds.' 

Furgal was arrested in 2020, sparking large-scale protests in Khabarovsk Krai. According to eyewitnesses, the rally on July 11th was attended by 30,000 to 35,000 people, while the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs estimated the number of participants at 10,000-12,000.


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