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  2. Sociologist Boris Kagarlitsky sentenced to 5 years in prison instead of fine

Sociologist Boris Kagarlitsky sentenced to 5 years in prison instead of fine

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The Court of Appeals toughened the punishment of Boris Kagarlitsky and replaced a fine with a 5-year prison term, reported SOTAvision on February 13.

The Court of Appeals toughened Boris Kagarlitsky’s punishment and sentenced him to 5 years in prison instead of a fine. The sociologist was taken into custody in the courtroom.

In December 2023, Kagarlitsky was sentenced to a fine of 600,000 rubles and released in the courtroom. However, the prosecution considered the verdict too lenient and appealed it. 

Boris Kagarlitsky was arrested in July 2023 and placed in a pre-trial detention center in Syktyvkar on charges of justification of terrorism. The criminal case against the sociologist was initiated following the publication of a video featuring the Crimea bridge explosion in the 'Rabkor' online magazine. 


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