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  2. Dmitry Peskov: “The President’s visit to Kaliningrad is not “a message to NATO countries”

Dmitry Peskov: “The President’s visit to Kaliningrad is not “a message to NATO countries”

Video and photo materials from public groups 'Podslushano v Kaliningrade,' 'Tipichny Kaliningrad'
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On January 25, Vladimir Putin arrived in the city of Kaliningrad, which shares borders with European countries. In his comment to the TASS news agency, the President’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, stated that Putin’s visit is not 'a message to NATO countries.'

Kaliningrad is getting ready for Vladimir Putin’s visit: dozens of street cleaners are sweeping the roads, and all crossroads are being controlled by the traffic police patrols. According to Kaliningrad locals, Putin will be accommodated in his residence in the town of Pionersky.

A Pionersky activist, Anton Gendrikson, told '7x7' that Federal Security Service (FSB) agents verified and sealed attics and basements of block houses in town.

Gendrikson added that locals, hoping for Putin’s attention, filed repeated reports with the presidential administration. They are highlighting issues like the terrible state of the roads and vile odors in the town, as well as conflicts with the local authorities. 

Photo from public groups 'Podslushano v Kaliningrade,' 'Tipichny Kaliningrad.'

As per the President’s press office, Putin's agenda includes meeting students of the Baltic Federal University and participating in a plant inauguration.

The head of the press office, Dmitry Peskov, asserted that Moscow did not contact Lithuania to request a direct flight corridor for Vladimir Putin. Peskov emphasized that Putin's visit to Kaliningrad is not 'a message to NATO countries' but rather 'routine work.'

In January 2024, Putin paid his first-ever visit to the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, which is less than 100 km away from the USA. Despite the temperature reaching -30°C, the locals went out to meet the presidential motorcade. Comments on social media indicated that Chukotka residents hoped for Putin holding a meeting with them and noting high prices in the local shops. However, the President did not engage with the public.

The press office of the Chukotka government later explained that there was indeed a meeting planned, but it would only include a 'small circle of people,' such as social activists, entrepreneurs, teachers, doctors, and participants in the war in Ukraine.


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