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  2. Utility workers invite Buryatia residents to unload coal cars as payment of their housing bills

Utility workers invite Buryatia residents to unload coal cars as payment of their housing bills

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Utility workers in the Buryatia region have called upon local residents to unload coal cars to offset their housing and communal bills, as reported by the “Lyudi Baikala” (People of Baikal) media outlet on December 8.

A fuel crisis has emerged in the northern part of the Buryatia region, prompting the Muiski District to declare a state of high alert since December 4 due to a “critical situation in coal delivery to boiler rooms.” Housing and communal companies have been urged to intensify efforts in debt collection.

The "Izkibyak" company invited local residents to join in unloading coal cars at the central boiler station. Instead of monetary payment, participants were offered a reduction in their housing bills.

Authorities have made repeated attempts to address regional issues with the involvement of local residents. In the summer, a deputy from Vladimir Oblast tried to persuade her followers on social media to donate tables for doctors in a local hospital. Commentators suggested borrowing the tables from Vladimir Putin.

In November, a district head in Yakutia urged citizens to clear the airport's runway as a plane was unable to land.


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