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  1. Horizontal Russia
  2. United Russia organized a catwalk for wives of mobilized recruits in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area

United Russia organized a catwalk for wives of mobilized recruits in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area

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A “fashion concert” was organized for the wives of drafted soldiers in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area – Yugra. The women took to the catwalk in designer military-style clothing. Information about the event was shared by the region's governor, Natalia Komarova, on December 3.

The participants of the show donned a “thematic capsule collection” named “Zhdu. Lyublyu. Yugra” (“I wait. I love. Yugra”), featuring designer military-style clothing. The catwalk was organized with the support of the United Russia Women’s Movement.

Natalia Komarova, the governor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area – Yugra, described the show as “the main fashion event in Yugra.” She published a video featuring wives and mothers of military personnel parading in Z-baseball caps and striped vests on the catwalk. One of the participants, Lyutsiya Nurmukhametova, lost her son in a war zone in Ukraine.

United Russia reported that the “fashion concert” provided a “breath of fresh air” and “a silver lining among worries and trials” for the participants. Party members believe that the event will serve as a manifesto and an “example for all women.”

Meanwhile, wives of mobilized recruits in other regions are preparing for a hotline with Vladimir Putin, particularly by expressing emotional demands to bring back their husbands. In Ulyanovsk, relatives of the military were summoned to the police due to stickers saying “Vерните мужа! Я Zа#балась” (“Bring my husband back! I am f#cking tired”), notable for their use of the war-associated Latin letters V and Z.

According to Verstka Media, the Kremlin has previously advised regional officials to “quell protests” of military wives with financial means.


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