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  1. Horizontal Russia
  2. Tula’s oppositionist’s son abducted ahead of elections

Tula’s oppositionist’s son abducted ahead of elections

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Tula opposition member Aleksei Ritter reported the kidnapping of his son by unknown masked individuals on the morning of November 30 in a VK post. Ritter is a member of Memorial Tula and a candidate in the upcoming deputy elections scheduled for December 3.

On November 30, unknown masked men abducted the son of the opposition member Aleksei Ritter from their house. To enter the building, they spent a few minutes calling various apartments and attempting to cover the videophone camera with their hands.

The boy did not make contact after the kidnapping, and the police began searching for him.

Ritter is participating in the by-elections for deputies in the Suvorovsky District of Tula Oblast, scheduled for December 3. The independent candidate is facing competition from those affiliated with the United Russia political party.

During the summer, Ritter ran for deputy in the town of Suvorov. His candidacy was withdrawn by court order following a demand from Liudmila Provotorova, a candidate from the United Russia party.

Ritter is also a member of Tula Memorial and advocates for the preservation of the memory of the victims of Soviet repressions.


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