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  2. A criminal case for army discreditation opened against the editor-in-chief of an independent Pskov newspaper

A criminal case for army discreditation opened against the editor-in-chief of an independent Pskov newspaper

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Denis Kamalyagin, the editor-in-chief of the independent media outlet Pskovskaya Guberniya, is under investigation for the alleged repeated discrediting of the army (Article 280.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The charges were announced on November 27, as reported by the newspaper’s editorial team.  

Denis Kamalyagin, who left Russia in March 2022, has been called to the police as a suspect. The investigation is scheduled for November 28.  

“Contrary to what many people think, I am not happy about this at all. Unlike the label of a foreign agent, which is kind of a 'Hero of Russia' medal, this investigation entails significant complications, including issues with moving around. However, it is quite clearly a sign of recognition from the investigative authorities towards our media that expresses opinions they don’t like and consider ‘a discreditation’," commented Kamalyagin.  

In October 2022, the editor-in-chief of Pskovskaya Guberniya was sentenced to an administrative fine of 35,000 RUB for alleged discrediting of the army (Part 1 of Article 20.3.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). The precise reason for the fine remains unknown.  

In December 2020, Denis Kamalyagin became one of the first Russians in the register of media outlets labeled as foreign agents. He tried to protest in court, but to no avail. In May 2021, Kamalyagin sent 1 US dollar to Mikhail Vedernikov, the governor of the Pskov region, and informed the Ministry of Justice of the official receiving funding from a foreign agent. Vedernikov, however, has not been recognized as an individual affiliated with a foreign agent.


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