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  2. Active residents of Kostroma gathered to prevent the authorities from cutting down trees in the city center

Active residents of Kostroma gathered to prevent the authorities from cutting down trees in the city center

Alexei Ukhankov, photos by Alexei Molotorenko
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In Kostroma, active residents of Shagov street called on the authorities to give up plans of narrowing the lawns and replacing tall trees with the scrubby ones. At the gathering on August 26, the townspeople decided to seek the preservation of green spaces, told the correspondent of "7x7".



About 20 residents gathered in the first quarter of Shagov street. They protested against cutting down linden trees growing along the sidewalks.  

— It is possible to plant new trees instead of sick, but to saw healthy ones is unreasonable. In our street there is heavy traffic, noise, dust, a lot of gas pollution, and trees are a natural protection from all of this. Besides, if young trees are planted, in the winter they will die all the same, been there — done that, — pensioner Alla Dmitrieva told.



One of the organizers of the protest Daria Kozyreva said that the authorities refer to a survey of residents of Shagov street, who allegedly spoke out for the replacement of trees. But the initiative group conducted its own survey, and none of the 55 participants did not support the plans of officials:

— These trees have protected us from the wind, from the sun, from the dust for many years, and we are not going to allow them to deprive us of all this. We are told that new trees would grow within 10 years. And what should we do meanwhile, not live? In addition, those who offer the project of reconstruction of our street have no idea about the purpose of green spaces. The administration wants it to be nice and even. But is that what trees are for?

Daria Kozyreva

At the suggestion of the city administration, experts of regional environmental movement «Vo Imya Zhizni» (In the Name of Life) conducted a survey of trees and gave a conclusion about the need to preserve them.

- Candidate of biological Sciences Galina Makeeva and architect-designer Elena Morozova came to the place. They came to the conclusion that it is necessary to preserve all healthy trees and abandon the intention of narrowing the lawns, — said the co-Chairman of public organization In the Name of Life Valentina Yamschikova.

The residents of Shagov street hung posters along the road demanding to save the trees. Since none of the officials did not come to them, the audience came to the town hall themselves. Here they talked to the Deputy head of administration of the city Olga Voronina, but there was no constructive dialogue, the official only listened to opinions of inhabitants.



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