Social activist Yekaterina Dyachkova: "We wouldn’t go to the rally, but we are forced to"
A member of the Save the Pechora Committee told why residents of Ust-Usa will come to a new rally on November 16
New editor in chief of the online journal «7x7»
Editorial board elected a journalist Maxim Polyakov; he was officially presented today at the Syktyvkar timeclub "Kampus"
On the tour in Ryazan people remembered the victims of the Red Terror
The tour passed through the historic center of the city: from the building of the Provincial Revolutionary Tribunal on Sobornaya street to the Kazan Cathedral Monastery at Svobody Square, where the Bolsheviks created one of the first Russian concentration camp of forced labor during the Civil War
Concert of Noize MC in the recreation center of Ukhta was canceled
Official reason — breakage of the safety curtain
"Krasnoye Znamya", good-bye?
The oldest newspaper of the republic is closing
Teacher from Oryol was left without earnings because of the poem in support of Ukraine
Kromsky District Court found poem of a foreign language teacher of Alexander Byvshev "To Ukrainian patriots" extremist again. Byvshev, who takes care of two elderly parents, is suspended from work
Vandals painted flag of the USA on the building of the Human Rights House in Voronezh
The act of vandalism was recorded on October 8 in Voronezh