Межрегиональный интернет-журнал «7x7» Новости, мнения, блоги
  1. Horizontal Russia
  2. Human rights activist from Udmurtia complains to Investigative Committee about Putin’s interview with Carlson

Human rights activist from Udmurtia complains to Investigative Committee about Putin’s interview with Carlson

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Human rights activist Sergei Antonov urged the Investigative Committee to initiate a criminal case for the rehabilitation of Nazism against Vladimir Putin. During an interview with the US journalist Tucker Carlson, Putin claimed that Poland 'forced' Hitler to attack it. Antonov discussed his appeal with '7x7' on February 9th.

Sergei Antonov lodged an appeal with the Investigative Committee to initiate a criminal case against Russia's president for rehabilitating Nazism. During his interview with the US journalist Tucker Carlson, Vladimir Putin stated that Poland 'forced' Hitler to attack it in 1939.

"Poland pushed too far and forced Hitler to begin World War II with an assault on its territory. [...] It turned out to be uncooperative. While implementing his plans, Hitler was left with no alternative but to engage in conflict with Poland," asserted Putin. 

Pro-government Russian media extensively covered Tucker Carlson's visit to Moscow for several days. His interview with Putin, published overnight on February 9th, spawned numerous viral memes mocking the 'substantive' conversation.

During the interview, Putin delved into the history of Ancient Russia, the Soviet Union, and the modern Russian Federation. He also accused the USA of sabotaging the Nord Stream pipeline and proposed swapping Evan Gershkovich, the US journalist previously arrested in Russia, for an individual 'imprisoned in an ally country to the USA.' The 'Agentstvo' ('Agency') media outlet assumed that Putin might have been referring to Vadim Krasikov, who fatally shot former Chechen field commander Zelimkhan Khangoshvili in Berlin in 2019.


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