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  2. Sverdlovsk Oblast resident withdraws rape complaint against military amid news of pregnancy

Sverdlovsk Oblast resident withdraws rape complaint against military amid news of pregnancy

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A resident of Sverdlovsk Oblast has revoked the rape complaint she previously filed against two military men, citing her pregnancy as the reason. This was reported by the E1.RU portal on January 30.

The 19-year-old girl from Sverdlovsk Oblast withdrew her earlier rape complaint after discovering her pregnancy. She expressed concerns about her ability to withstand the pressure associated with interrogations and confrontations with the suspects. Since a comprehensive investigation has not yet commenced, the authorities involved have issued a refusal to initiate a criminal case.

News regarding the case first emerged in December 2023 through Sverdlovsk Oblast media. According to reports, the 19-year-old girl lived with her boyfriend, who was once visited by his military friends. Subsequently, the girl claimed that two of these visitors raped her. 

The police initially doubted the victim's account and insisted on a medical examination, which revealed injuries consistent with a sexual assault. At the second meeting, the police officer handling the case suggested that the girl communicate with her assailants, assuring her that they would 'apologize.' However, the victim agreed to engage only with the man who did not directly harass her. During the meeting, he began 'kissing her hands', offering money, and pressuring her to withdraw the statement. Although the girl refused the money, she withdrew her complaint under exerted pressure.

"I submitted [the withdrawal statement] and was about to leave. Danil (the man not directly involved in the assault) placed 300,000 RUB in my bag. Initially, I didn't understand what was happening. Later, I was stopped and questioned by federal security agents. They clarified that there were no accusations against me; they only needed to deal with the police major," the girl recounted.

According to the suspects, both the police and the girl extorted money from them under the threat of a rape complaint. The police major received the bribe under the supervision of operatives. Consequently, the officer faced criminal charges of bribe-taking and was detained. The girl then filed another rape complaint.

In January, two former prisoners were detained in Sverdlovsk Oblast on suspicion of raping a girl and robbing her of money and a golden bracelet.

One of the convicts had an early release from prison due to signing a contract with the Wagner Group and participating in the war in Ukraine. His imprisonment was related to breaking and entering a company's premises, restraining a security guard with a cord, and striking a random witness on the head with a rifle part. After six months of military service in Ukraine, he returned home in May 2023.

The second convict faced accusations of strangling a retired woman over 400 rubles (approximately $4.5) and received a 16-year prison sentence. However, he was also released early and actively shared photos featuring symbols associated with the Wagner Group.


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