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  2. Authorities accuse Ukrainian intelligence of fueling mass riots in Bashkortostan and label participants as 'traitors'

Authorities accuse Ukrainian intelligence of fueling mass riots in Bashkortostan and label participants as 'traitors'

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The head of Bashkortostan, Radiy Khabirov, branded supporters of activist Fail Alsynov, previously convicted for his anti-gold mining speech, as 'traitors.' On January 17, thousands gathered at the court where Alsynov's verdict was announced. State Duma deputy Dinar Gilmutdinov, representing Bashkortostan, alleged that protests in Baymak were influenced by intelligence agencies from Ukraine and the Baltic states. Both Khabirov and Gilmutdinov conveyed these statements on their Telegram channels.

The head of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Radiy Khabirov, has made his first statement on the mass riots that happened in the town of Baymak on January 17. He said that representatives of the 'Bashkort' organization*, headed by convicted Fail Alsynov, are traitors because they call for 'guerrilla war.' Khabirov admitted his personal fault for 'not fully unraveling the essence of these people.' According to Khabirov, Bashkortostan activists Ruslan Gabbasov, Fail Alsynov, and Fanzil Akhmetshin 'disguise themselves as peaceful shepherds, gentle eco-activists, and patriots.'

The head of the Republic characterized Alsynov's verdict as severe, and the charge of mass disorder attributed to those detained during the protest as very serious.

"I'm sincerely thankful to our people, Baymak residents, and our society in general. Several hundred people from across the Republic came to Baymak; Baymak residents showed up to observe [the protests] and then left. I want to emphasize once again, we should actively communicate about what truly matters to us as Bashkortostan residents and who these people [Alsynov's supporters] are," Khabirov wrote. 

State Duma deputy from Bashkortostan, Dinar Gilmutdinov, asserted that the protests were influenced by intelligence agencies from Ukraine and the Baltic states. The politician believes that the protests are connected to the actions of 'political elements located in Ukraine and Baltic countries.' According to Gilmutdinov, they staged protests against the head of the Republic, Radiy Khabirov, as he is considered 'one of the most powerful and efficient' governors in Putin's team.

According to varying reports, the count of Fail Alsynov's supporters who gathered at the Baymak court ranges from 5,000 to 15,000. Approximately 40 individuals sustained injuries due to clashes with riot police. Six activists were arrested on charges of violating mass protest regulations.

Alsynov received a 4-year prison sentence, accused of inciting hatred in his speech against gold mining. The case was initiated following a denunciation by Radiy Khabirov.

*The text mentions Bashkir Public Organization 'Bashkort', an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation


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