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  2. Bashkortostan activists detained ahead of court verdict on fellow resident’s case. He stands trial following governor’s denunciation

Bashkortostan activists detained ahead of court verdict on fellow resident’s case. He stands trial following governor’s denunciation

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On January 16, law enforcement detained activists from Bashkortostan who supported local resident Fail Alsynov, currently on trial for delivering an anti-gold mining speech during a villagers’ meeting in Ishmurzino. The verdict is anticipated to be announced on January 17, according to the Telegram channel 'Kushtau Bairam.'

Security forces apprehended Bashkortostan activists Ildar Yumagulov, Fanzil Akhmetshin, Ilnar Galin, Yulay Aralbayev, and Raphail Abdrakhmanov on January 16. These individuals are aligned with Fail Alsynov, who is facing trial for his speech opposing gold mining in the Baymaksky District, where he allegedly made derogatory remarks about residents of Central Asia and the Caucasus region.

Originally planned for January 15, the verdict on the charges of inciting hatred or enmity was rescheduled to January 17 after approximately 5,000 Bashkortostan residents gathered around the court, demanding Alsynov’s release and the resignation of Republic head Radiy Khabirov

The grounds for the activists' detention have not been disclosed. 

In May, over a thousand residents of the Baymaksky District attended a village gathering opposing gold mining on the Irandyk mountain range. They conducted several meetings and independently re-elected the head of the Ishmurzino settlement. Despite authorities deeming the locals’ actions illegal, the mining company ceased its activities. 

During one of the meetings, activist Fail Alsynov delivered a speech in Bashkir language, using the phrase 'kara khalyk,' which linguists later translated as 'black folk.' Investigators believe that Alsynov used it as an insult toward residents of Central Asia and the Caucasus. 

Republic head Radiy Khabirov denounced the activist, and the prosecutor is seeking a four-year sentence in a penal colony as punishment for Alsynov. On January 16, Rosfinmonitoring added the activist to the list of extremists.


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