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  2. Perm deputy declared wanted following anti-war post

Perm deputy declared wanted following anti-war post

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Deputy Sergei Medvedev from Perm may have left Russia following his post against the war and Vladimir Putin. Prior to this, he was called for questioning by the FSB in the Perm Krai and expelled from the CPRF faction in the City Council. This information was reported on January 15 by the Telegram channel 'Pogony i galstuki' ('Epaulets and Neckties').

Perm City Council deputy Sergei Medvedev has been declared internationally wanted after posting an anti-war statement. According to the Telegram channel 'Pogony i galstuki,' he might have fled to Kazakhstan. The deputy himself told the channel that he is "in a safe place within Russia." He had been called for questioning by the FSB in the Perm Krai. The grounds for Medvedev's international search remain unknown.

On December 31, Medvedev shared a post on his private VK page, urging an end to the war in Ukraine. Screenshots of the post circulated on anonymous Telegram channels soon after.

On January 11, Sergei Medvedev was summoned to the regional CPRF committee, where he was told to leave the party and resign as a City Council deputy due to the anti-war post. While he agreed, he insisted on adhering to the established regulations. Official exclusion from the party can only occur during a meeting of the primary branch or the bureau of the regional committee, which wasn’t the case at the time. 

Medvedev was eventually expelled from the CPRF faction in the City Council on January 13, although his deputy mandate remains valid.


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