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  1. Horizontal Russia
  2. Bryansk authorities evicted a military widow from public housing

Bryansk authorities evicted a military widow from public housing

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Bryansk officials forced the wife of a war participant out of public housing following her husband's death in Ukraine. On November 30, the press service of the prosecutor's office of Bryansk Oblast reported that the court deemed the administration's decision unlawful.

The woman and her husband had been living in a house in Bryansk Oblast under a social tenancy agreement. After the man's death in the Ukrainian war, the administration of Klintsovsky District refused to renew the contract, prompting the widow to turn to the prosecutor's office.

The court ruled that the administration's decision lacked justification, leading to the extension of the tenancy agreement.

A similar incident occurred in the Yaroslavl region. The husband of a Tutayevsky District resident was mobilized, allowing his wife to benefit from privileges such as free childcare at the kindergarten. However, a few months later the man died in service, and the benefits abruptly ceased.

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