Animal rights activists of Petrozavodsk took to the picket against animal abuse
The protest was directed against the circus with elephants arrived to the Karelian capital
Authorities of Kostroma allowed completion of the mosque after the scandal
After the publication of «7x7» about problems with the completion of the mosque in Kostroma city officials went toward Muslims and have issued the permit to completion which community couldn’t get since October 2014
Trial of the teacher who wrote about "Putin's chekists" continues in Oryol
"Witnesses said something like this: I have not read the poem of Byvshev, but the investigator read it to me, and then explained the meaning"
Members of the Komi Human Rights Commission "Memorial" intend to hold a picket at the recently installed bust of Stalin in Lipetsk
Thus, they will remind the Russians about the role of former general secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU in the mass repressions of the first half of the last century
Murmansk conscript will defend his right to do alternative civilian service in the European Court of Human Rights
Russian courts didn’t believe pacifist views of Sergei Kholkin that contradict military service
New site, new opportunities
Restarting of «7x7» will allow residents from more than 30 regions to open a blog on the site
Police detained vandal who defiled the statue of Lenin in Syktyvkar
The city authorities clean the monument urgently