A list of the 3rd Public Monitoring Committee of Murmansk region was composed in early November. Before December 1, 2013 27 people of a free-will membership should hold the first session and begin to work.


It is hard to tell how this will work out. There are only 5 members of a former committee in a new one: Arkadiy Blumenthal, Yuriy Manankov, Irina and Vyacheslav Paykachevy, Bekhan Pliev. There were no organizations-referees for 8 members of a former committee. Human right activists have no access to cooperate with the Red Cross and society of disabled with no reason given. Another four possible mandates have been lost owing to the death of Evgeniy Utkin, the head of the "Civil mutual aid" and "Green branch".


The new composition of the Public Monitoring Committee is almost twice as large as the previous one. But will it be functional and adhere to a principle of the priority of human rights, as may be required by law? In fact, the essence of activity of the Public Monitoring Committee is the assurance of human rights in places of detention. In other words, not only control of government but of its security services.


A complete list of Public Monitoring Committee members for implementation of social control over human rights in places of detention in the Russian Federation:


Murmansk region


1. Baburin Valeriy Vasilyevich

2. Bespalov Nikolay Sergeevich

3. Blumenthal Arkadiy Ruvimovich

4. Burban Valery Andreevich

5. Voloshenko Yuriy Sergeevich

6. Ibragimova Nailya Razinovna

7. Ivanov Evgeniy Evgenyevich

8. Ivanov Konstantin Evgenyevich

9. Kleopin Victor Ivanovich

10. Kulbakina Tatyana Nicolaevna

11. Kustov Oleg Victorovich

12. Lebedev Igor Petrovich

13. Lobeyko Evgeniy Evgenyevich

14. Manankov Yuriy Yuryevich

15. Nizelskiy Andrey Nikolaevich

16. Novruzov Rashid Vagifovich

17. Osieva Ekaterina Viktorovna

18. Paykachev Vyacheslav Iosifovich

19. Paykacheva Irina Vladimirovna

20. Pliev Bekhan Salangerievich

21. Ponomarenko Zhanna Alexandrovna

22. Razinkov Andrey Vasilyevich

23. Repin Konstantin Petrovich

24. Romashenkov Leonid Ivanovich

25. Servetnik Vitaliy Vladimirovich

26. Filimonenko Viktor Filippovich

27. Kholodilov Vladimir Alexandrovich


Original: http://7x7-journal.ru/post/34438?r=murmansk