The General Procuracy of Switzerland reported corruption offence during the gas pipeline "Yamal" construction. According to department, the leadership of the Swiss company Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery (SIT) has admitted that they have been giving bribes over the 2004 to 2006 period to ensure contracts award for the construction of pumping stations and for the supply of gas turbines. Payments passed through Swiss bank accounts. As compensation, the company has already paid out more than $10.6 million.

The General Procuracy of Switzerland obligated Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery (SIT) to pay a multimillion-dollar penalty for income earned illegally during the equipment supply to Russia.

As stated in the General Procuracy of Switzerland, SIT admitted that it gave bribes to the Russian company senior executive officers to award contracts on the project for the construction of the gas pipeline "Yamal-Europe".

Owner and operator of the gas pipeline on the territory of Russia is "Gazprom". Customer of the Russian division of the pipeline was a subsidiary production unit of "Gazprom" — the "Yamalgasinvest" company. "Stroytransgaz" was a general contractor.

The General Procuracy of Switzerland obligated SIT to pay $10.6 million penalty equivalent to illegal income and to donate 125,000 Swiss francs ($135,500) to the International Committee of Red Cross.

According to prosecutors, the Swiss company, acquired by Siemens in 2003, made illegal payments to the Russian company senior executive officers over the 2004 to 2006 period. The money was transferred to accounts of recipients, opened in Swiss banks. This is precisely why law enforcement of that country was interested in contract terms.


I assume that Gazprom bought German-Swedish equipment for bungs and to continue the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline, i. e. Bovanenkovo​​-Ukhta; therefore, none of the local citizens are hired to gas compressor station, for example, in Malaya Pera. Rotation workers undergoing training in Germany at Siemens are going to serve there. For the umpteenth time, Procuracy of Switzerland returned us "from dream to reality". Where does the Russian "Eye of Sovereign" watch?
