The house of Natalia Guseva, the former coordinator of the Chelyabinsk branch of Golos, an organization defending voters' rights, has been searched as part of a criminal case for repeated discrediting of the army. This information was shared by the OVD-Info project on July 10.

The criminal case against Natalia Guseva stemmed from her posts on Odnoklassniki. Guseva’s status in the case has not yet been disclosed.

In September 2024, Chelyabinsk is planning to hold gubernatorial elections, with the current governor, Alexey Texler, running for a second term.

In February, Natalia Guseva was fined 700,000 rubles in a criminal case for spreading false information about the army. She stood trial for posts regarding the shelling of the Mariupol Drama Theater. 

Guseva’s house was searched on August 17, 2023, as part of the criminal case for spreading false information. On the same day, security forces conducted searches at the homes of Golos coordinators in Ryazan, Tambov, and Voronezh. The same happened to Grigory Melkonyants, the movement’s co-chair, who is still in pre-trial detention on charges of collaborating with an undesirable organization.
