In late May to early June, the court in Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk Oblast, granted parole to former employees of Penal Colony No. 6 in Irkutsk. This information was discovered by the 'People of Baikal' media outlet in the court's case records on June 20.

Ex-chief of Penal Colony No. 6, Alexey Agapov, his deputy Alexey Mednikov, and case officer Anton Frolov will be released early. They are currently serving their sentence at the 'Red Duck' penal colony for former law enforcement officers in Nizhny Tagil.

In February 2023, employees of Penal Colony No. 6 were sentenced to 5 years for the torture of convict Takhirjon Bakiyev. Bakiyev was harassed by other inmates who collaborated with the prison administration and followed their orders.

He was tied up, beaten, and raped with a broom handle. Although designated as disabled, Bakiyev was denied parole. He died in the colony in February 2024.

In April, the perpetrators of Takhirjon Bakiyev's torture were sentenced to 5-7 years. The court refused to award compensation in Bakiyev's favor due to his death, but his sister is currently planning to file a similar lawsuit.
